Frequently Asked

What Insurance Do You Take?

We are in network with most major providers that include:
Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Coventry/Health America, Health Assurance, Advantra, Medicare, All Highmark Products (ie, Select Blue, Community Blue, etc.), United Healthcare, Cigna, Aetna, and many other private carriers

We also accept:
Automobile Insurance, Worker’s Compensation and UPMC (with Out-of-Network Benefits)

Why Are You Not in Network with UPMC?

UPMC has not allowed us into their network because they have their own group of physical therapy providers. If you do have UPMC insurance, we would love to treat you, so call UPMC benefits manager and ask if you have Out-of-Network benefits. If you do, give us a call!

Will I Have the Same Physical Therapist Through My Care?

Absolutely. We believe in creating an environment of trust and friendship between us and our patients. In order to accomplish this, we will do our best to keep you with the same therapist through your course of care.

Will I See My Physical Therapist Every Visit?

Yes! We feel that our approach of hands-on care sets us apart from other providers in the area.

Do I Need a Referral to Come to PT?

No, our therapists have received increased training for to allow them to carry a “Direct Access” physical therapy license in PA. This will allow you to come to physical therapy without a referral from a physician. We will be in contact with your physician with the goal of keeping them informed of your care and will refer you back to them if/when appropriate.

What Conditions Do You Treat?

The primary goal of Physical Therapy is to help you move better. At Alliance, we focus on management of Orthopedic (both extremity and spinal) and sports Sports Injuries. We work with patients of all ages and ability levels.
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